Friday, November 30, 2007

Friday Add-on!

They're Back!

It would take a very wide-angle lens - or a panoramic camera - to show you just how large this pond is, behind the Moon Residence on Madison Street, but it's not small, and there's no room left!

Some geese have even had to spread out onto the far shore, and are camping in the reeds and woods.

Of all of the people that I've spoken with over the past few days, including three real naturalists, this is a "first."

(The Moons are glad to have people come and see the spectacle, but it's probably a good idea to leave your vehicle near the edge of the road and walk quietly back toward the pond.)


The front porch of artist Pamela Brown's home, just behind Foodking on Babbott Avenue, is lovely during the daytime and twice as nice at night!

You won't need to go to New Hartford or Utica. This is just one of four Christmas Rooms at Alcotts!
