Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday morning

And not just ANY Friday!

It's Friday the Thirteenth!

Yes - there are those who really do suffer from triskaidekaphobia
who probably will be staying close to home (and not climbing any stepladders) today!

But down at Colgate University, where the college was founded in 1817 by thirteen men with $13 and thirteen prayers, they'll celebrate the day!


It's 34.5 degrees. NO new snow despite the weathermen's predictions!
Perhaps they'll be wrong about this, too!

  • Tonight: Cloudy with a few rain or snow showers. Low near 30
  • Saturday: A mix of clouds and sun. More pleasant. High: 45, Low: 33
  • Sunday: Thickening clouds with rain, likely changing to snow, with accumulation possible at night. Precipitation could be heavy at times late and at night. Becoming windy. High: 40, Low: 31
  • Monday: Heavy morning snow or rain tapering off to lighter rain by afternoon. Very windy. High: 35, Low: 32
  • Today: Cloudy with occasional rain or snow showers. High near 40

Before the snow starts, on Sunday, I plan on going to:


To Help Raise Money for



presented by the
Clifford J. Fulmer Post Ladies Auxiliary

at the American Legion, on Route 20

Sunday, April 15

7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Your donation will help send our veterans
to Washington, D.C. to visit the WWII Memorial.


I have an E-note from Helen Olmsead, in which she says: "I went to see the sign (at Municipal Hall) - you were correct - they are magnificent!!!!"


I have an unusually large number of personal E-mails to read and answer and many, many "Thank You" letters to write, so - with your indulgence - I'm going to take the rest of today and tomorrow off. PsB

Thursday, April 12, 2007


(Click on image to enlarge!)

One sign will be placed at the Village Limits just north of the old "rope factory," and the other at the Village Limits a bit north of the Car Wash.

As I said earlier - "Thank You!" to the members of the Waterville Women's Club and the Waterville Garden Club!


(The surface of the signs is super-shiney and there was a glare from an overhead light at the Municipal Hall. I repaired that as best I could, using Photoshop, but if you spot a variation in the deep green along the upper edge, it's my fault - not Valley Signs! They did a SUPER job!)

Thursday morning


Yesterday turned out to be fairly mild - a "T-shirt day" -

There was a pick-up game of basketball in progress at Babbott Field ...

..... skateboarders worked out on Putnam Street ....

and then THIS happened!

Right now, it's 33.6 degrees and raining.

From WKTV: "Amounts will vary considerably by elevation. You stand the best chance for accumulation if you live above 1,000 feet in elevation. Expect about 2" in the Mohawk Valley (if that), 3-6" on the hilltops around the Mohawk Valley and south of Route 20, and 5-10" or more in the Adirondacks and Catskills. For more details, visit the Weather Blog, where a detailed region by region description of possibilities is posted. Leftover snow showers will pester us into Thursday night and the better part of Friday as well."

It's Garbage Day!

And it's a significant day - as pointed out by the Google logo on your monitor.

(Click image.)

(Click image)

Looking ahead: "They're B-a-c-k!"


Superintendent of Public Works Mr. Ostrander - a.k.a. "Geno" - stopped at our place yesterday afternoon to show me the two brand new "Welcome to Waterville" signs --- hot off the press, as it were, from Valley Signs.

They are magnificent!!!!!

(Far more sightly and eye-catching than the designer thought they'd be!)

I don't know where he planned on taking them, but I'll try and track them down and take a good photo of one, today.

Funds for their purchase were raised by the Waterville Women's Club and the Waterville Garden Club.

(Thank You All!)


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Wednesday morning

It's Recyclables Day!

It's just a hair under 20 degrees with a little warm-up forecast for later in the day, but don't put the snow shovels away, yet!

From WKTV:
Wednesday: Sun and clouds in the morning, yielding to thickening clouds by afternoon. Highs in the low 40s.

Wednesday night: Rain developing. The rain will quickly mix with and change to snow on hilltops by midnight. In the Mohawk Valley, a more gradual changeover to snow will occur through and after midnight. Major accumulation possible on hilltops, with some significant accumulation possible in the valleys. Low in the low 30s. (Brrrrrr!)



- and I have the best possible present:

my grandson Iain,
his mother, Allison, and her husband, Rick,
are here with me for a few days

and it's GRAND!

Thank you!


My list of those to whom I owe Thanks grows longer and longer, each day.

All of you have my greatest gratitude.

My family and I are overwhelmed - and humbled - by your kindness.


the Writer

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Lighting!

It's 26 degrees, outside, and there's a new confectionary sugar sprinkling.

The forecast: Tuesday: Variably cloudy with snow flurries throughout the day but more likely early. High 37F. Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph.


My great thanks to Barb McNamara who used my camera to take the next several pictures.

A somewhat shivery but congenial crowd gathered in the Green Acress Plaza parkinglot at seven, last evening, for the official lighting ceremony and listened as Mayor Younes greeted everyone, introduced Richard S. Woodman, Esquire, New York State Senator David J. Valesky and thanked previous mayors and village boards, members of the Main Street Committee - especially Dale Mesler, who had drawn out the technical plans for the lighting at no cost to the municipality - and the DOT for installing the lamp bases and conduits free of charge.

Dale was on a business trip, but sent me a letter to read in which he reminisced about the "several years'" work put into the entire enhancement project, thanking - again - Mayor Nora Keating for leading the way and then Mayor Younes for continuing to support the Committee's efforts. He also wrote:

".....we all need to thank the offices of Almy & Associates Consulting Engineers and Mr. Gary Siver for providing, at no charge, all of the engineering and bidding documents for the project. Thanks to Mike Lentz of Weydmen Electric for performing the fine installation during the coldest months of the year. We also should recognize all the members of the Main Street Committee who over the past several years had to put up with me. Our chairperson, Mrs. Liz Kane, along with Lou Langone, Mabel Bushee, Cathy Murphy, Flip Brown, Jennifer Dapson and Bill Specht. “Thank You!” to Nora Keating for leading the way and to Jim Younes for continuing to support this project. We especially need to thank Senator Dave Valesky and the Edward S. Barton Trust for their generous financial support."

Senator Valesky, whose office contributed $10,000. to the cost of the lights, congratulated the Mayor and ALL villagers for their enthusiastic participation in this "beautification project."

Mr. Woodman is the chairman of the Edward S. Barton Trust, which gave most of the money for the $179,700. project. He remembered Edward S. Barton as a "quiet, unassuming man" and said that this was just the sort of project that the Edward S. Barton Trust likes to support: something that is good for the village - a "nice place" where Mr. Barton had spent his life and where Mr. Woodman, himself, has lived since 1942.

Then Mr. Woodman, Senator Valesky and Mayor Younes "flicked the switch," and watched as the lamps began to glimmer ........

and then GLOW!

And everyone there said, "Ooooooooo!" and Aaaahhhhhh!" and cheered!


The lights are on two separate circuits and, at the same time as the downtown switch was thrown, the one in the Park was flicked on, as well.

As it grew dark, I drove through the village a few times, too excited to come to a full stop and make sure that my camera was absolutely still.

I'll make a point of taking better picture tonight!


The lights - which have new, energy-saving bulbs - will come on automatically at dusk.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Lighting Ceremony

The only thing that I've been able to find out is that the "ceremony" - a few very brief speeches followed by the "flicking of the switch" - will take place at 7 o'clock in front of "Mac's."

We've waited a long time for this, havn't we!

Monday Morning

It's Garbage Day!

26.4 degrees, with just the tiniest bit of confectionary sugar on the pavement.

From WKTV: "Clouds and peeps of sun with scattered snow showers today. Cold. High in the mid 30's."

(Poor Pulaski!)

This morning's O-D lists organizations that will receive grants from the State. Included is the Waterville Central School Foundation - $12,000.00. Congratulations!

"Guscabi and the Wind Eagle" will be performed by students of the Memorial Park School at "It's a Zoo."


Don't Forget!

The Official Lighting

of the new

Street Lights

will take place this evening at

7 o'clock.

(Details will follow!)

Sunday, April 8, 2007


Christmas Morning on Main Street.

Easter Morning on Main Street!

On Putnam Street, at the Persons'.

On Stafford Avenue.

Joe Burnett didn't even begin to look as happy as his dog.

Up in Root Glen, at Hamilton Hamilton College, there was one perfect "Lenten Rose" (Helleborus orientalis) in bloom - completely filled with fresh snow!

Easter Sunday

There's an Easter Message in today's O-D from Deacon Bob Riggalls, who lives on Frog Park Road.

It's 21.4 degrees; a snowplow has just come down the hill and it's a

White Easter.

I'll go out, soon, and take a picture or two for you.

Have an especially lovely day, everyone!