Saturday, March 24, 2007

Saturday morning

(I told two ladies, yesterday, that some morning I was going to sleep late: and I did!)

It's 24.4 degrees. Some sunshine this morning, but clouds creeping in and, finally, some showers in the evening.

Walkers, joggers, cyclists were all out, yesterday .........

and snowdrops bloomed on West Bacon Street.

The DPW filled in scores of "potholes," and the street sweeper was cleaning up the sand that accumulated during the Winter.

A "forest" sprang up on the Buell Avenue site of the new "Home Shoppe."

...... and over near Solsville, water fowl of all sorts found open water at Lyon's Mills.


Shirley Kellogg, who lives just a tad south of Stockwell on Route 12, had an opportunity to observe a "bird of prey" doing what it does so well: catching, plucking and feasting on one less-skilled.

It wasn't just a glimpse: she really had a chance to look at it long enough to make careful note of it's size and coloring and, when she got out her bird book, the only one that looked like what she had seen was the "Peregrine Falcon."

I wonder if anyone else has seen one, in this area, or - if we're out for a Ride in the Country - will we be as fortunate?


One article in today's Observer-Dispatch addresses Utica's problems with an abandoned building - $4.3 Million Clean-up - and a story on Channel2News refers to yet another costly clean-up at a different location: Abandoned building in Utica.

Both stories caught my eye because we have the same sort of problem here, in Waterville. The condition of the "old mill," originally the elegant "Putnam Hall," is not getting any better!

I know that the municipality has investigated several solutions. I wonder if there are any blog-readers in other parts of the country that might offer practical solutions - other than having the village take full responsibility for the razing and removal of material. I'm sure that your suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Have a great day!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Friday morning



It's going to be a fine day, too. It's 35.8 degrees, and - according to WKTV:

  • Today: Decreasing clouds and becoming mostly sunny. Highs in the mid to perhaps upper 40s.
  • Tonight: Clear with areas of fog. Cool. Low in the mid 20s.
  • Saturday: A mix of sun and clouds, with increasing clouds late. High: 52
  • Saturday night: Light rain or snow possible, especially south of Utica. Otherwise cloudy with lows near freezing.
  • Sunday: Morning light snow or flurries giving way to sunshine. High: 53, Low: 34

Considering a Ride in the Country? You might enjoy - the second of two "Maple Weekends."

Having mentioned the Optimist Club's Essay and Oratorical Contests, I'll add that The Observer-Dispatch is sponsoring an Essay Contest for students in grades 4 though 8.
The subject deals with the Erie Canal!

If Watervillians are waiting for "Kitty's at the Marina" to open for the season, it may be a very long wait!


In an E-note to the writer, Penny Morris asks the dates of Firemen's Field Days.

(It's usually the third weekend in July, isn't it? That would make it the 20 - 22. Can someone confirm that for her?)


This nice letter arrived on a miserably cold day, a week ago:

I received your site from my parents about 6 months ago and I love it. Ever since I left Waterville in 1990 after joining the Marine Corps, I have been in San Diego, CA. It is really fun looking at all the photos and remembering what it was like growing up in Waterville, and seeing all the change that has taken place. Except for the fact that it is going to be 80 degrees tomorrow, I really miss NY.

Greg Stevens, San Marcos, California. WCS Class of 1990

(If any of you would like to say Hi! to Greg, I'll be glad to forward your Greetings to him.)


Only eight days 'til Fishing Season opens!

This 1930's jigsaw puzzle
- called "The Perfect Catch!" -
is of a painting by
A. Osborne Mayer, of Waterville,
whom some of you may have known!


It's also time to start keeping an eye on ..


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thursday morning

It's Garbage Day!

36.3 degrees and the answer to Tom's question must surely be ....


Thursday: Scattered showers with clouds and sun. Breezy. Steady rain, with a chance of a thunderstorm after 4 PM. Depending on sunshine, some locations will be in the low 50s, while other have a shot at the low 60s for highs.

Thursday night: Rain for the first half of the night, then partly to mostly cloudy with areas of dense fog. Low in the mid 30s.

Friday: Becoming mostly sunny and cooler. High: 49, Low: 31

Work has begun at the site of the new home of "The Home Shoppe!"


An article in this morning's issue of the Utica Observer-Dispatch and a report on WKTV Newschannel 2 both address a problem that has plagued commuters for about forty years. Finally, " A Plan has been Chosen for the North-South Arterial Project."


I received an E-note from Amanda Briggs at the Waterville Public Library, yesterday, asking me to post the following request:

We are having a "Library Lock-In" for 7th & 8th graders.

It's an overnight program where kids can hang out with their friends, play games and watch movies.

The "Lock-In" will take place from 7:00 P.M. on April 13th until 8:00 A.M. on the 14th and we need adult volunteers to work a shift.

They can contact me at the library (841-4651) or by Email:


Also in yesterday's mail, this delightful communiqué from Andy Newark, writing from Cranleigh, Surrey, England!

"Just to say that my cousin, Wendy Sexton drew my attention to your site around last Christmas.

I have noted with much interest the severity of your Winter, and marvel at the Waterville Community's resourcefulness in enduring severe conditions in such good humour!

Here in Southern England, when occasionally we get an inch or two of snow, the entire transport network comes to a grinding halt... yet you guys seem to clear the roads and carry out your daily business with no fuss whatsoever.

I note from the Weather Channel site, that this Winter's grip appears to be easing now, so have a great Spring and Summer. Best wishes to you all!

Andy Newark

I'll be writing to Andy, today, to thank him for his letter. If any of you would like me to add your sentiments, please send them along to me!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Wednesday morning


Jim Younes (unopposed)

Thomas McNamara 112
Bruce Treen 88

Karl Buschor received 75 votes.

WKTV has a complete listing of results
of all Village Elections


Recyclables Day


It's 3.2 degrees.

But there's hope!

Page 1 Headlines from Today's Issue of
The Waterville Times

"Sign Policy is Adopted" - Bulletin Board in the Park may no longer be used for personal reasons. Other items from Monday Village Board Meeting.

"'Footloose' Another WCS Winner" - Cover photo and several more inside.

"Strategic Plan Outlines Goals" - Lengthy article about process and results of efforts to "set a vision, a direction for the District."

"Madison Offers Two Propositions" - Madison Central School District votors to choose whether or not to purchase 4.4 acres adjacent to school property; to decide on $1.4 million building project.

"Coach of the Year" - Brookfield Boys Varsity Basketball Coach Royce Cook honored.

"O'Falls Loses Power" - Brief power outage affected village's water pumps. Other items from Village Board Meeting.

"Brainard Building Use Gathers Many Ideas" - Mayor Younes met with representatives of community groups to discuss future use of former Waterville Public Library building.

(More coming, later on.)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tuesday Add-ons

Starting today

Hospice & Palliative Care Inc. will offer a free support group for those who have experienced the death of a loved one. The group, "Waterville Passages" will take place from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Tuesdays, beginning today at the Waterville Public Library, 206 White St. All are welcome.


Brian Bogan asked Mary Campbell to send the following to me so that I, in turn, could share it with you. Brothertown Optimist Oratorical Contest and Essay Contest (2 separate competitions!)

Essay Contest

The topic for the 2007 essay contest was "I Want to Make a Difference Because..."

Sixteen WCS students wrote essays for the competition. The overall winner was Emily P., Brianna C. placed second and Nicole J. placed third. The first place prize was $100, second place - $50 and third place - $25.

High School English Teacher Mike Ryan chaired the competition.

Emily with acting club president, Brian Bogan.

Oratorical Contest
(students competed at the March meeting of the Brothertown Optimist Club)

Front Row: Jesstina A., Katie B., Meghan H.

Back Row: Evan F., James B., Eileen M., Taylor J.

N.B. I didn't include last names because the WCS policy is to NOT include last names of students on their webpages.

Tuesday morning

Noon to 9:00 P.M.

Mayor: Jim Younes (incumbent)

Trustees, two seats:
Thomas McNamara, Bruce Treen (incumbent), Karl Buschor


It wasn't really this dark and black on Main Street and Sanger Avenue, last night, but it might just as well have been and those who waited for the new street lamps to turn on at dusk were

This, of course, is why we have "tests" -
to see whether things work or, as in this case, don't.

There will no doubt be some activity around the "boxes," today - one next to the bulletin board in the Park and the other outside the Green Acres parkinglot - to find out why the light sensors did not function or to find out if they actually have been installed in the "boxes" per specifications!


On a brighter subject:

31.3 degrees and "Spring" begins today at 8:07 P.M.
although we may not feel it until Thursday.

  • Tuesday: Increasing sunshine, but breezy and cold. Highs in the mid 20s.
  • Tuesday night: Clear, calm winds and bitter, near record cold. Low between -5 and +5.
  • Wednesday: Mostly sunny and much more comfortable. High: 39, Low: 29
  • Thursday: Some early morning freezing rain, then warming up considerably, with a few showers. High: 57, Low: 40

The entry on the "Community Calendar" announcing
a Pancake Supper a Grace Church today is an ERROR!

But if you wait 'til Sunday, you can have Pancakes for Breakfast!

(From yesterday's edition of the Observer-Dispatch.)

"The Brothertown Optimist Club has selected James Wratten as its Youth of the Month for March. Wratten, the son of James and Maureen Wratten of Waterville, is a senior at Waterville Central School and is a High Honor Roll student and member of the National Honor Society.
As a senior, he has been a Bridge Program Student in mathematics at Hamilton College and in accounting at Utica College and the recipient of the Lamb Academic Prize and the Sanger Prize.
His school memberships include Model United Nations, Varsity Soccer, Varsity Golf and CYO Varsity Basketball programs. He plans to attend college as a mathematics major."


Monday, March 19, 2007

Monday morning

It's Garbage Day!

17 degrees; no precipitation of any kind and not even a tiny blip on the doppler.

WKTV meteorologist Bill Kardas starts his forecast by saying "Warmup in store later in the week" and I immediately thought: "Where should I shop?" But on Thursday, Friday and Saturday the temperature should be above fifty, perhaps even reaching sixty degrees. "I'll take it!"


Village Board Meeting
7:00 P.M. in the Municipal Hall

during which time the new street lamps will be turned on.


Yesterday was bright, but blowy and cold. I did have my camera with me, but - to tell the truth - I'm getting very tired of taking pictures of snow: perhaps I can do something with lamplight, this evening.

Until then, have a good day and watch sunny roadsides for tiny yellow "Colt's Foot."!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sunday morning

Yogi Berra may have said it first, but I've been thinking it alot, lately:

"Déjà vu all over again!"

This morning.

More snow.


Just within the past week the Winter Aconite bloomed, the snow had melted at the base of a particular tree on Fuess Cleary Road and I went looking for the first signs of Hepatica leaves ......

and the Treens expected grading to begin at the Buell Avenue site of their new "Home Shoppe."

Some consolation: snowmobilers and skiiers will be happy!


Well - we have Spring to look forward to, again,

as well as these events:




The exact date and time of the "official" Lighting Ceremony will be announced, well in advance, in the Waterville Times and on this blog.


Tuesday, March 20th


On Wednesday, March 21st at 7:30 PM

The Waterville Historical Society will hold its first regular meeting of 2007. The program will celebrate 150 years of The Waterville Times and will feature Pat Louise, the current owner. She will present a program covering the rich history of The Times.

A special exhibit by S. K. Falk, exhibit chair of the Society, has been constructed with the help of Honorary Life Member, Martin Cleary. The very first issue of the Waterville Times will be on display. The public is invited and refreshments will be served. Parking is available in the Village lot across the street. Handicap parking and ramp are at the rear of the building. As a point of interest, the WHS has preserved all 150 years of The Waterville Times on microfilm which is available to the public at the Waterville Public Library.

On Friday, March 23rd at 7:00 P.M.

enjoy a program of jazz music by The Al Gallodor Quartet in the Program Room of the Waterville Public Library. (We are told that Al is a jazz saxophonist/clarinetist from Oneonta.) The event is open to the public, free of charge.

Next Sunday, March 25th

Start the day with a Pancake Breakfast in the Waterville High School Cafeteria. Sponsored by the WCS Outdoors Club, the breakfast will cost $5 for adults; $3 for children 6 - 12, and those under five, Free.