Did you remember?
Yes: I did, too, but that didn't make me wake up any earlier!
It's 33 degrees; just a tiny bit of new snow, and
WKTV's forecast is
******** GRAND! ********
Morning clouds giving way to some afternoon sun.
High: 38
Monday: Partly sunny.
High: 45
Tuesday: Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers.
High: 48
I think that calls for a celebration and, having been given a sampling of "Roc's"
latest creation, I intend to go back to Dairy Creme for another
It's like sinking into a smooth sea of minty satisfaction
and suggest that others avail themselves of the experience!
(A definition of "Blarney" - Blandishment, or something
that tends to coax or cajole.
So: my recommendation may be "blarney,"
but the Shake really IS GOOD!)
We who live around Waterville have all seen this "Footloose" poster, but we may not have taken a good, close look.
Yes: those really are "our" guys!
Left to right: Joey Staskowski, Luke Olmstead, Alex Mowrey, Elliot Townsend and Tyler Smith. For more about "Footloose," click
While I search for some current news, here are some excerpts from this past week's "In Timely Manner" from the Waterville Times -"When the small gathering who had been inside the bank building watching the auction on the 14th emerged. they saw all of the new Victorian lamps glowing - and that was a grand sight - and realized that the Rotary Clock next to the Bank building was, apparently, setting itself. (An operation which, we’re told, is accomplished through the use of “radio signals.”) Although the lamps were all turned off following what seemed to be a successful test, the clock has continued to run. HOWEVER .... there is another problem: the time indicated by that fine-looking instrument does not coincide with that shown on any other timepieces. It is either an hour and a few minutes slow or - possibly - not quite eleven hours fast. It has been suggested - by a very practical villager - that if the clock cannot aligned to the Eastern Time Zone, that “Waterville Time” be assumed by the village!
Other topics of interest - aside from the weather in general - one Springtime Sign in particular --- potholes are appearing! (NOT in the new highway, we’re happy to note!) Drivers on Stafford Avenue are learning when to hug the curb and when not, and the same on White Street. On Madison street, however, anyone coming into town - Eastbound - will have no options other than to either slow down or do rattling damage your vehicle and self!
Even airline travel has been particularly “bumpy,” lately, as some villagers have told us. Not “bumpy” as in that caused by turbulence, but recent nationwide delays due to more incidents of “inclemency” that have grounded flights and left travelers stranded far from home. The Fred McLeans of Stafford Avenue, along with their daughter and her husband and little girl, were one such party. Returning to Waterville after a delightful vacation in Las Vegas (complete with a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon) they were five of two-thousand passengers who found themselves stuck for two days at Midway Airport in Chicago!
Similarly, Terry Keyes of Buell Avenue, her children Kristen and Tyler and her sister - tanned and happy after a week’s cruise on the Western Caribbean - found their high spirits flagging during a two-day stay at the airport in Houston. The writer has had the opportunity to see many of the photographs taken during their trip and just looking at the lovely, sunny sights seems to dispel images of the less-than-optimum conditions that followed and they are surely all looking forward to doing it all over again!
Excitement is building, as it does every year at this time - this is the week to see the High school Music Department’s production of “Footloose!” (Look for posters and an ad with the specifics.) What to look forward to in particular? Memorable songs, exciting dance numbers, and - as always - amazing sets and dazzling lighting effects!
On a more serious topic: a great many villagers and residents of this entire “Route 20” area who lave lost spouses and other very special loved ones have sought comfort and advice at Hospice Bereavement group meetings. Until now, they have had to drive to New Hartford, but - starting on March 20th - just such a bereavement group will take place here in Waterville. The series of meetings will run for six weeks and will take place at the Waterville Public Library on Tuesday afternoons. Watch for details in the Waterville Times, in church bulletins and also on the Library Web site at
and thank Mrs. Bev Gibbons, Fr. Tom Servatius, Mr. Mark Bentz and Mr. Jeff Reynolds for making this special arrangement with Hospice possible.
More later on.